Investment Concepts - Power of Triggers
Trigger facility is an additional, optional feature provided in mutual fund schemes, which enables investors to book profit automatically at a pre-defined time or value. In another words, the fund declares a dividend, redeems and/or switches the units automatically on behalf of the investor on the date of the event.
Principal Mutual Fund has introduced the option of Triggers in its funds. You can specify a specific event, which may be related to time or value, in advance and when this event takes place the trigger is activated. Thus, this facility enables you to keep track of your investments without having to put in time and effort to track portfolio movements on a regular basis. It also helps you maintain a disciplined investment approach that ensures that you meet your investment goals. Triggers are of three types –time-based, value-based and event-based.
Time-based triggers
Time-based triggers are activated on a particular date that you have specified. For example, if you wish to gift some units to your mother on her birthday, a trigger can be set for that date.
Value based triggers
These triggers are based on the change in value of your investments. For example, you need 7.5 lakh for meeting the expenses of son's higher education after 5 years and you have invested 5 lakh in an equity scheme for this. If you set a trigger for change in investment value by at least 50%, the money is shifted to a low risk scheme as soon the value reaches that figure. In this way, the dream of your son's higher education will not go sour even if the market turns bearish.
Event-based triggers
You can also set triggers based on the occurrence of a particular external event that affects the value. For example, you want to set the Sensex value of 20,000 as a trigger. If the Sensex is less than 20,000 on the date of allotment, the trigger would be activated when the Sensex closes above 20,000. However, if the Sensex is more than 20,000 on the date of allotment, the trigger would be activated when the Sensex closes below 20,000.